The Origins and Applications RFID Card Technology

RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, is a technology that has become ubiquitous in today's world. It is used in a variety of applications, including access control, inventory management, and even in credit cards. However, not too many know how it came to be or even how it works.

The History of RFID

The first work on wireless communication and electromagnetic waves was conducted by the famous inventor Nikola Tesla in the early 20th century. However, the first RFID system was developed by Léon Theremin in 1945, which used radio waves to detect the presence of an object.

In the following decades, RFID technology continued to evolve, and Charles Walton invented the first passive RFID tag in the 1970s. These tags relied on the electromagnetic energy transmitted from a nearby RFID reader to operate. This technology allowed for the tracking of goods during shipment, warehouse management, and other applications.

In the 1980s, RFID technology was used for animal tracking, and in the 1990s, the technology was used for contactless payment systems. The use of RFID technology continues to expand, and today it is used in applications such as tracking the movement of goods, controlling access to buildings and assets, and tracking the location of people and equipment in large facilities.

What's Inside an RFID Card?

RFID cards are made up of three essential components: an antenna, a chip, and a substrate. The antenna is responsible for transmitting and receiving signals between the card and the reader. The chip stores the card's data and processes the signals received by the antenna, and the substrate is the material that holds the antenna and the chip together. The antenna is usually a thin, metallic coil that is printed or etched onto a substrate. The antenna picks up the radio waves transmitted by an RFID reader and uses that energy to power the chip.

RFID technology has a wide range of applications, and its use continues to expand. One of the most common applications of RFID technology is in inventory management. RFID tags are used to track the movement of goods and ensure that they are in the right place at the right time. This technology is also used in the retail industry to manage inventory levels and reduce shrinkage. It is also used in access control systems to control who has access to specific areas. Access cards with RFID chips can be used to open doors or gates and track who enters and exits the area.

RFID technology is also becoming a popular tool in our schools for student ridership and security, and CI Solutions is one of the premier suppliers of custom RFID cards. Our RFID cards are highly-durable, contain high-quality graphics, and can be read by all major proximity or RFID readers. They can also be programmed and hold a variety of information, making them a great fit for schools looking to have one card for all of their programs, no matter if they are new or existing. Our RFID products can also incorporate a bar code and/or magnetic stripe for maximum ease and flexibility of use.

If you are interested in bringing RFID technology into your school or would like to know more about CI Solutions’ products and services, please feel free to contact us today!